Ha Roo Everypup! It's the whole khrew here. We got nominated for an award and we are so excited. We want to send out a bit THANK WOO to the original Thunder, Phanton & Dakota for nominating us!
As Thunder said, there are rules to this award and here they are:
1. Add the Logo of the award to our blog.
2. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
We would like to nominate these furiends and hope they don't mind if they already received one:
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky http://hufflemawson.blogspot.com/
Khyra's Korner http://khyraskhorner.blogspot.com/
16 White Paws http://maddoxtexas.blogspot.com/
Meow et Deux Woos http://macondawgswife.blogspot.com/
Butters http://buttersbe.blogspot.com/
MayaMarie http://www.mayamariewindow.blogspot.com/
3. Leave a message for our nominees on their Blogs.
Thank woo again for the award!
Woos, wags & wuv,
The Kholwooado Khrew