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Four fluffy tails and their tales.
Mom didn't get the khamera in time, so I had to use an older pichture. She knows that I'm not happy with her when I plop in this spot and woo at her.
OOOH, the undignity of it all! Then, as woo khan see, Thunder let mom put a blanket on him! When will the abuse ever end?
Woos, wags and wuv,
We wanted to play in this water! (that's dad's head in the picture, ha roo roo roo!
This used to be a cabin years and years and years ago!
The name says it all!
Isn't it pretty?
This is our mom's daughter and mom! BRRRR!!!
We hope you enjoyed the pictures. Next time, we will be in them too!
Woos, wags & wuv,
Thunder, Stormy, JoJo and Bow
They had a great time, but there were not as many small pups as there were big pups like Stormy and I. And Dad had it easy, he just unclipped their leashes and they got to roam while dad sat down at the picnic table. Mom had to follow us around. We met a lot of other pups, including some huskies and Elk Hounds (puppies). We met a red & white dilute husky that was missing her left eye, a black and white puppy girl and a silver and white boy that Thunder growled at! We had a great time dragging mom around and sniffing everypup out. Mom said the people were not very nice though, because they wouldn't talk with her and kept walking "around" us like we were bad cause we were on our leashes. That is so not fair-Mom was just taking very good care of us!
That's all for now. I'll leave woo all with some more pics from our day.
Woos, Wags & Wuv,
If you look real close, you can see the babies in her tummy. Gloria has been a very patient mom to be since Thursday. All of our SiberMal Society friends have been doing puppie watch. At 4:45 am, Gloria decided it was time! Her hu-mom, Cecile was so excited and looking forward to finally meeting Gloria's new babies. This is a picture of Juarez, the puppies dad:
We just knew with such bewootiful parents that the puppies would be gorgeous also. And, without further delay, here are the first puppy pictures!
Here is the first three, a dark red girl, dilute red boy and black and white girl.
In this photo, we have the dilute red boy, black and white with lightening streak of white on her neck girl and the dark red girl again. All in all, Gloria & Juarez had four girls and one boy. There names are going to be:
D'Azul Cornelia Marie~Leah
D'Azul Time Bandit~Jonathon
D'Azul Early Dawn~Sunny
D'Azul Farwest Leader~Hilde
D'Azul Deadliest Catch~Dutch/Dutchess
Cecile picked this theme from Deadliest Catch. It is on Discovery if you all have never seen it. We think she did a wonderful job with their names. Please stop by their website to say hello and see all their beautiful furkids at http://www.dazulsiberians.com/.
A very very very happy birthday to the puppies! Congratulations to Cecile and Gloria. Can everypup smell the puppy breath?
Woos, Wags and wuv,
Stormy & Thunder
Here is the last picture of Gloria and her babies napping. We hope woo all enjoy!
It's pretty and fits right in with my Princessness, but I'm not happy at all. I miss laying with momma on the loveseat, snuggling to watch tv with her. If she puts that blanket down, she'll let me up, but most times she has that silly blanket on her. And do you see the couch in the first picture? What's with all the pillows? Everytime I try to get up there, I knock them all down & she comes over mumbling about messing things up.
Thunder doesn't seem to mind too much. He either lays under momma's feet or on this couch:
That's just fine for him because he doesn't mind being downstairs away from momma sometimes. I don't like it though-she's my momma & I follow her everywhere!
This is so not fair! Hmph~~~~I'm looking for stuff to chew on to let her know I'm NOT A HAPPY HUSKY!!!! She must bow down to the Princess!
Woos, wags & wuv,
Woos, wags & Wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
Pee Ess~~~~Can woo tell which is me and which is Stormy?
Wooing the world with a smile! Me, Thunder, in my new favorite position.
It's me Thunder. Mom was playing with the video again and got this of me. We thought since she's been busy again, we would post it real quick for all our blogger friends. We hope you enjoy Mom trying to get me to woo and find Stormy!!!
Wags, woos and wuv