Ha Roo Everypup! We thought we would share this picture of us taking walkies on our leashes in the snow. We think we do good for our momma-look how we walk so nicely right next to each other! Momma said that I'm better than Stormy because she likes to wander. We walk a little farther every day and its just so much fun. We get to sniff other dogs inside their fences and meet new dogs that are getting walkies too. Sometimes we even run into other huskies! We think the best part is all the new smells!!! The guy on the tv said that we are supposed to get "touches" of snow tomorrow, so we are so excited. We will make sure that momma takes the pawsital khamera with her when she takes us walkies to get more pictures of us in the snow. Until then, keep it husky!Woos, wags & Wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
Pee Ess~~~~Can woo tell which is me and which is Stormy?
I can't BELIEVE you guys have SNOW! Wowzers! Can I come over? I'll build you a REALLY cool snow fort!
Play bows,
I can't tell which tail is whose!
We'll give woo a hint. Look at the leashes.
Play Bows,
Thunder & Stormy
I'll be Stormy's is the girlie kholoured one - and she would be the TOP pikh -
Bekhause she's TOP DOG!
Girlz Rule -
Boyz AND KHATS Drool!
Snow, glorious snow! We didn't see much of that this winter. Mom wishes she could walk us like that. She said she'd end up in the next County. I don't know what she means by that.
Ah ha! The really fluffy, silky tail is Stormy!
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