Hi Everyone~ Stormy here. I'm the girl of this group of pals. We as a Khrew, decided that we would each tell our story of how we all came together. Since I'm the only girl (besides my momma), I'm going first of course. My momma told me that she'd been wanting a siberian husky for a long, long time. She finally talked dad into it and they went to the Humane Society here in town. This was on Saturday. Momma said there were 5 huskies there that day, but she couldn't stay away from my kennel. I would go up to the window and look at her and then start pacing again. I was not a very happy girl. They went and asked about me and was told that I was on the last day of a 5 day hold. This meant that the Humane Society was waiting for my owners to come get me. Momma said she didn't care and they put a deposit hold on me. The next morning, as soon as the HS opened, momma and dad were there with JoJo to visit and spring me. I was so happy, I chased JoJo in the yard and we waited patiently for the paperwork to be done. Momma found out that she was going to be my third owner and that my other owners never called or came to get me even though the HS called them lots and lots of time. Momma said she was very, very sad for me and would make me a very happy puppy in the future. I've been with my fur-ever parents for over a year now and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Don't I just look like a happy girl?
Thunder will be posting his story tomorrow.
Woos, wags and wuv to everypup,
Woo are ONE sweet happy girl!
Welkhome to the khool world of blogs!!
Wags and Wuv,
Wooo! I'll be adding your page to my links!
Very, very lucky! THat's how I came to live with my mom and dad. They found me at our humane society.
Kisses, Sky boy
Yeah Stormy!!! Glad you finally made it to the blogging world!! You are such a pretty girl and now we will get to see lots of you!!
Welcome to blogging Stormy and Thunder. We will add a link to you on our blog!
Steve and Kat
That's such a bittersweet introduction. We're sorry for you, but not cause you found the best furever home ever! Can't wait to hear tomorrows tail.
Bama & the RHP
we added a link to you on the friends list of our blog
Ha rooo, fellow Stormy! Great job on your first post! We all loved reading about you. Shelters aren't any fun at all (me, Zim and Dave all did stints in ours!) but if you hadn't been there, your furever Mom and Dad wouldn't have been able to adopt you! We can't wait to hear about everypuppy else!
Tail wags,
Woo there Stormy~
I'm sure glad woo like the "cat" my Mummi brought woo! I'm glad woo have a new friends to play with and instruct in the ways of tissue destruction and redistribution. It's up to woo to bring out the Sibe in him.
Hi there!
We followed your stories on that human siberthingy, and are so glad you are blogging!
We'll link to your page, OK?
I was sorry about being in the HS, but am so glad to be here in my furever home. Thank woo for all the khomments.
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